Ells isn't a thief! Ells just get's thirsty sometimes... But the bar guards beat Ells for drinking the rum. So Ells gotta go drink rum from the distillery when no one's looking... No-one else shares with Ells like you do.
Ells is a Unique Recruit. He is a fat, alcoholic, simple-minded Empire citizen with a small bounty on his head for stealing alcohol from distilleries, which can expire like all small bounties. He wanders around town, begging for food. When recruited, he has 3 bottles of cactus rum in his inventory.
He can be found in Sho-Battai, no matter what World States are affecting it. He will join the player after they give him 300 Cats. If you can't find Ells, check by the outhouses.
He has a Dumb Personality. He doesn't have any lines of unique dialogue in zone entries, but he does have a unique dialogue package with a large number of exclusive lines.
Race: Greenlander
Gender: Male
Eyewitness description: 'Fat as a bughouse'
Public nuisance wanted on account of multiple bar thefts.
He is incorrectly described as a Greenlander on his bounty description.
The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.
This character spawns with no weapons.
Every piece of clothing below offers no coverage and thus, armour grading is not applicable.
He was also called both "Pickles" and "Squint" at some point in Kenshi's development, which can be found in his dialogue package in the FCS. In rare instances, he will even incorrectly refer to himself as Squint in game.
Due to the small amount of bounty that Ells is assigned with, it's likely for the player to notice him AFTER the bounty has expired.