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Kenshi Wiki

Elder Crabs are larger and stronger variants of the normal Crab. They can be found rarely wandering certain eastern regions of the map.

Though they are significantly stronger than a standard crab, they are still quite outclassed by their larger siblings such as the Megacrab and the ones found in the Crab Tournament. They spawn at an age of 1.9 to 2.0 meaning their base stats are multiplied by that amount.

Attributes Level
Melee Attack 35
Melee Defence 35
Strength 35
Dexterity 35
Toughness 35
Martial Arts 3.5
Athletics 35
Teen (0.40x) 16 days
Adult (0.60x) 24 days
Elder (1.10x) 44 days

The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Players should be aware that animal characters level up as they grow, and may be stronger or weaker depending on their current age.
Death Items
Removing these items from the creature will kill it instantly.

Item Quantity Average Price
Foul Raw Meat
Foul Raw Meat 1 1
Raw Meat
Raw Meat 6 60

Health Statistics[]

Elder Crabs have a blood colour of 128 0 0 RGB.

  • Hunger rate: 2
  • Vision Range mult: 0.5
  • Blood: 487-534
  • Bleed rate: 0.4
  • Heal rate: 1
  • Extra attack slots: 1


  • Speed: 16-19 mph
  • Combat Move Speed Mult: 1


Body Part Total Health Chance of Hitting
Head 344-380 150
Chest 344-380 150
Stomach 344-380 100
Right Foreleg 344-380 100
Left Foreleg 344-380 100
Right Leg 344-380 50
Left Leg 344-380 50

See also[]
