Dust Bandit Bowmen are members of the Dust Bandits.
Up to 4 of them spawn in a squad, led by a Dust Boss and accompanied by 5-10 Dust Bandits . These squads can be found roaming Shem or the Border Zone.
They also populate Dust Bandit Camps, which spawn in the aforementioned biomes, with the addition of Skinner's Roam. These camps contain 3 Dust Bandit squads, which are slightly larger than their roaming counterparts.
They can also be found in the Dust King Tower as guards, in the same number as in the roaming squads.
Finally, they are part of the Bandit Demands event squad which is sent to the player's outpost if it lies within the Dust Bandits' zone of control.
They are differentiated from their melee counterparts by always spawning with a crossbow. However, as the normal dust bandit also has a chance to spawn with a crossbow, the bowman's spiked club is a better visual indicator of this variant.
The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.
The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.