Kenshi Wiki
Pads your legs, turns a potential slice into a nasty bruise.
Drifters Leather Pants
Slot: PANTS Type: Light Armour

Drifters Leather Pants are Light Armour that are equipped in the Legwear slot. A heavier plated version of this armour is called the Plated Drifter's Leather Pants.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x4.


Drifters Leather Pants are a pair of black leather pants folded around the knee. They are held up by a brown leather belt along with an additional leather belt is wrapped around the left leg, almost as if it was being used as a tourniquet.


Drifters Leather Pants
[Prototype Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 2%
-Cut resistance 2%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 1pts
-Weight 2.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 10%
-Value c.32
-Sell value c.8
-Right Leg 90%
-Left Leg 90%
Drifters Leather Pants
[Shoddy Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 9%
-Cut resistance 8%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 6pts
-Weight 2.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 10%
-Value c.166
-Sell value c.41
-Right Leg 90%
-Left Leg 90%
Drifters Leather Pants
[Standard Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 19%
-Cut resistance 17%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 13pts
-Weight 2.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 10%
-Value c.596
-Sell value c.149
-Right Leg 90%
-Left Leg 90%
Drifters Leather Pants
[High Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 28%
-Cut resistance 26%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 20pts
-Weight 2.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 10%
-Value c.1,311
-Sell value c.327
-Right Leg 90%
-Left Leg 90%
Drifters Leather Pants
[Specialist Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 38%
-Cut resistance 35%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 27pts
-Weight 2.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 10%
-Value c.2,312
-Sell value c.578
-Right Leg 90%
-Left Leg 90%
Drifters Leather Pants
[Masterwork Grade]
[Light Armour Class] [Leather]
-Blunt resistance 45%
-Cut resistance 41%
-Cut resistance efficiency 50%
-Harpoon resistance 33pts
-Weight 2.25 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Acid 10%
-Value c.3,251
-Sell value c.812
-Right Leg 90%
-Left Leg 90%


Always Equipped Potentially Equipped
Arc [H] [S]
Big Grim [H] [S]
Buzan [S]
Chad [S]
Cloud Ninja [S] [H]
Dimak [S]
Griffin [S]
Jewel [S]
Kang [S]
Kral's Chosen [S] [S]
Moll [S]
Ninja [S]
Psycho [S]
Ruka [S]
Savant [S] [M]
Shinobi Guard [S] [H]
Yamdu [S]
Yayoi [S]
Anti-Slaver [S] [S]
Band of ones [S] [S]
Bounty Hunter [S] [H]
Ears [S]
Hound [S]
Ninja Guard [S] [S]
Outlaw [S] [S]
Smuggler [S] [H]
Stone Camp Trader [S] [H]
Swamper Mech Shopkeeper [S] [S]
Swamper Non-Gang (weaker) [S] [S]
Shops Loot

Clothes Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H]
Clothing Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H] [S]
Mongrel Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
Mongrel Clothes Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
Ronin Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
Shek Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H] [S]
The Great Library BlueprintsLargegreen
Thieves Guild ArmorSign [S] [S] [H] [S]

Mapico-shop Anti-Slaver Barracks
Mapico-shop Anti-Slaver HQ
Mapico-shop Anti-Slaver Prison
Mapico-town Cannibal Capital
Mapico-stormhouse Cannibal Village
Mapico-stormhouse First Village
Mapico-shop Flotsam Barracks
Mapico-x Flotsam Safehouse
Mapico-shop Flotsam HQ
Mapico-shop Mongrel HQ
Mapico-shop Tech Hunter HQ

This armour can also be found as loot via the Artifacts system.


Leather Armour Crafting Bench

(0.09 required)

Drifters Leather Pants
Drifters Leather Pants

(1.8 required)

Drifter's Leather Pants

[Research Blueprint]

Tech Level 1
-Value c.1,490
-Sell value c.372
New Armour Type Drifter's Leather Pants

