This page is lists the various events connected to the Forgotten Construction Set's dialogue system, along with some information about that event if available.
- EV_Player_Talk_To_Me
- If the conditions for this dialogue are met, allows for the player to talk the this character by clicking on them. Can also be triggered by the "DA_TALK_TO_LEADER" effect.
- ME is the character that the player is talking with. TARGET is the player
- EV_Acid_Feet
- Triggers when a barefoot character walks in an acid biome
- EV_Acid_Rain
- Triggers when a character without 100% acid resistance runs around in acid rain
- EV_Acid_Water
- Triggers when a character without 100% acid resistance swims in acid water
- EV_Almost_Woke_Up
- Triggers only on NPCs and is used as a fluff
- EV_Announcment
- Dialogue that is used for announcing arrivals of raids/visits to player bases. NPC only.
- EV_Assassination_Failed
- EV_Bar_Talk
- Triggers only on NPCs, that are spawned inside a bar building (BD_BAR indicator in squad file), is used to create ambience
- EV_Being_Healed_Finished
- Triggers on characters, who have just been healed by the player, sometimes on PCs who have been healed by a NPC
- EV_Being_Healed_Start
- EV_Betrayal
- Triggers on an NPC when the player attacks after having made a contract with them, such as when hiring mercenaries.
- EV_Bought_Me_From_Slavery
- Triggers on NPCs only, is used to play a reaction and possible joining to the player faction
- EV_Bounty_Spotted
- Triggers in NPCs only, is used to react to player characters with bounty on their heads
- EV_Burning
- Triggers in fire, lava and acid situations, a reaction with screams
- EV_Contract_Job_Ended
- Triggers in NPCs only, when the contract AI timer has run to end, the dialogue in this slot will be triggered
- EV_Crowd_Triggered
- Triggers from within some dialogue, fe. the leader's conversation with the player, or from a campaign (fe. assault stage). Triggers everyone owning the dialogue pack that has been called (meet the conditions).
- EV_Eating_My_Crops
- Triggers when a character spots an animal in their field
- EV_Eating_Something_Sounds
- Used by fogmen when eating.
- EV_Enter_Biome
- This is used in player dialogue only and it triggers when the player squad first enters to a biome, only one event per biome and they are all already in vanilla
- EV_Enter_Town
- Triggers upon entering a town or nest.
- EV_Escaped_Ex_Slave_Spotted
- EV_Escaped_Prisoner_Spotted
- EV_Escaping_Slave_Spotted
- EV_FirstAid_Kit_Empty
- Triggers upon using the last charge of their last First Aid Kit
- EV_Get_Up_Fight
- Triggers after being KOed, when a squadmate is still fighting
- EV_Get_Up_Peace
- Triggers after being KOed, when there are no more enemies around or no squad members fighting
- EV_Get_Up_Unneccessary_Fight
- EV_Give_Up_Chase
- Triggers in NPCs, when the attacker is running
- EV_Harrassment_Shouts
- Used by the United Heroes when hurling insults at non-human players.
- EV_Healing_Other_Finished
- EV_Healing_Other_Start
- EV_I_Defeated_Squad
- Triggers when a squad defeats another squad
- ME is the character who made the final blow for the winning faction, TARGET is the character who was defeated. Typically the target will be KOed.
- EV_I_See_Ally_Player
- Triggers when the character spots an allied player character.
- ME is the character that spotted the player, TARGET is the player character that was spotted.
- EV_I_See_Animal_Squad
- Triggers when the player squad has only animal characters. Some NPCs can join the Player squad when noticing only animals in a squad. This is to give the player the option to keep on playing even after all humanoids are dead.
- EV_I_See_Enemy_Player
- EV_I_See_Illegal_Player_Building
- EV_I_See_Neutral_Squad
- Triggers once every second while a neutral character is spotted
- ME is the character that spotted the target. TARGET is the character that was spotted.
- Does not trigger while the ME character is imprisoned in a cage, if the target has been imprisoned, or if the target has been knocked out.
- EV_I_See_Player_Nice_Building
- EV_I_See_Ragdoll
- This event is redundant, does not trigger
- EV_I_See_Uniform_Imposter
- Triggers when the player character is wearing an uniform piece of the NPC's faction. It is used to 'notice a strange face among my kin'. Does not trigger in other factions, only in the faction the uniform belongs to.
- EV_Introducing_New_Slave
- Is used as a fluff, triggers when a player is nearby and the slave caravan has reached its destination
- EV_Intruder_Found
- Triggers when a house is set as non-public or after closing time of a shop and the player is still inside. Is used to shush the player away from the building, usually results in an alarm
- EV_Kidnapping_My_Ally
- Triggers when the ally NPC is picked up by an outsider/not ally of the faction, even if the intention is to put them on a bed to heal.
- EV_Launch_Attack
- EV_Looting_Everything
- EV_Looting_Weapon_Only
- EV_Lost_Arm
- Triggers when an arm of the character has fallen to the ground, does not trigger on -100 hp, only if it is separated
- EV_Lost_Leg
- Triggers when a leg of the character has fallen to the ground, does not trigger on -100 hp, only if it is separated
- EV_Marked_For_Death
- Triggers when the character is in a cannibal cage or similar and has been selected to be the next one killed.
- EV_Poison_Gas
- Triggers when a character without 100% gas resistance enters a gas cloud.
- EV_Prisoner_Free_To_Go
- EV_Recapturing_A_Slave
- EV_Screaming_Torture
- Triggers when a character is being tortured. (Cannibals, Fogmen, Peeler)
- EV_Shoo_From_My_Building
- Triggers when a shop is about to close and the player is still inside.
- EV_Shout_At_Slave_Worker
- EV_Slave_Delivery
- EV_Slave_Escape_Opportunity_Alone
- EV_Slave_Escape_Opportunity_Savior
- EV_Sound_The_Alarm
- Response to the alarm
- EV_Speech_Interrupted_Attacked_By_Strangers
- EV_Speech_Interrupted_Attacked_By_Target
- EV_Squad_Broken
- EV_Taken_Over_Player_Town
- EV_Thief_Caught_Stealing_From_Me
- Triggers when an NPC catches the player stealing from them.
- EV_Unlock_My_Cage_Attempt
- EV_Unlock_My_Cage_Or_Shackles
- EV_Using_My_Training_Equipment
- EV_Windy
- EV_Witness_Generic_Assault
- EV_Witness_Looting_Ally
- EV_Witness_Thief_Or_Lockpick
- EV_Worshiping_Something
- Used by fogmen.