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Corpse Furnace
Corpse Furnace
Type: Exterior
Materials cost:
Iron Plates 8
Estimated build time: 0 hrs

A safe and efficient way to deal with corpses. Bodies attract predators, predators eat you.

A Corpse Furnace is a building which can be used to dispose of dead characters. Corpse Furnaces are found in the power category in the Build Mode menu. It can be built after players research Corpse Disposal.

Characters which are carrying a corpse can use this machine to destroy the corpse as well as all items which were held by the corpse.


Corpse Furnaces are occasionally buildings which exist in towns and can be used legally. They can be found in the following locations:
Mapico-town Black Scratch x2
Mapico-stormhouse Flotsam Village
Mapico-town Mongrel x8
Mapico-watchtower Reaver Camps (not in The Outlands camp)
Mapico-town Sho-Battai
Mapico-mine Slave Farm South
Mapico-mine Stone Camp