Kenshi Wiki
Clothing Graphic

'Ey, what's with those rags, you're wearing anyway? Look like you've been chewed on by a gutter...

Catun Bar Patron

Clothing is any equipment which can be equipped in an armour slot but gives no defensive bonus and does not fall into the Light, Medium, or Heavy armour class. Many serve no purpose beyond decreasing your "looks like a slave" rating when escaping Slavery. Clothing tends to be found as starting gear on new recruits. Some clothing may provide bonuses to Athletics, Combat Speed, Stealth, or Martial Arts.

While clothing items give no stats bonus depending on their quality, the player-crafted high quality items are still identifiable by a slight change in the worded description. Such items are described as "high quality armour", followed by a generic description that cites the creator's name. Only the smiths that are able to regularly craft "Specialist" level gear make clothing with this special description.


There are eight Clothing Headgear options.

Image Item Cost Sell Price Crafting Table
Ashland Hat
Ashland Hat 151 37 Leather Armour Crafting Bench
Ashlander Stormgoggles
Ashlander Stormgoggles 120 30 Leather Armour Crafting Bench
Basket Hat Icon
Basket Hat 10 7 Clothing Bench
Cap Icon
Cap 90 22 Clothing Bench
Sandagosa 10 2 Clothing Bench
Square Googles Icon
Square Goggles 60 15 Leather Armour Crafting Bench
Straw Hat Icon
Straw Hat 10 2 Clothing Bench
Wool Hat Icon
Wool Hat 90 22 Clothing Bench


There are six Clothing Shirt options.

Image Item Cost Sell Price Crafting Table
Cloth Shirt
Cloth Shirt 225 56 Clothing Bench
Cloth Shirt
Black Cloth Shirt 225 56 Clothing Bench
Martial Artist Bindings
Martial Artist Bindings 200 40 Clothing Bench
Turtleneck 300 75 Clothing Bench
Dyed Turtleneck 300 75 Clothing Bench
White Vest
White Vest 150 20 Clothing Bench


There are ten Clothing Legwear options.

Image Item Cost Sell Price Crafting Table
Cargopants Icon
Cargopants* 50 12 Clothing Bench
Gi Pants Icon
Gi Pants 50 12 Clothing Bench
Halfpants ragged
Halfpants (ragged)* 50 12 Clothing Bench
Monk Pants
Monk Pants 50 12 Clothing Bench
Noble's Trousers
Noble's Trousers 500 75 Clothing Bench
Ninja Pants Icon
Ninja Pants - - Clothing Bench
Slave Dress Icon
Rag Loincloth* 50 12 Clothing Bench
Stout Hessian
Stout Hessian - - Clothing Bench
Stout Hessian Uniform
Stout Hessian Uniform - - Clothing Bench
Worn-out Shorts Icon
Worn-out Shorts 20 5 Clothing Bench

*There are colored/dyed versions of these items

Body Armour[]

There are five Clothing Body Armour options.

Image Item Cost Sell Price Crafting Table
Gi 200 50 Clothing Bench
Shackles icon
Hive Prisoner Shackles* - - -
Monk Robe
Monk Robe 393 98 Clothing Bench
Ninja Gi
Ninja Gi 200 50 Clothing Bench
Noble's Robe
Noble's Robe - - Clothing Bench
Rag Shirt
Rag Shirt 393 98 Clothing Bench

*It's considered Heavy Armour by the FCS.


There are two Clothing Footwear option.

Image Item Cost Sell Price Crafting Table
Shackles icon
Prisoner Shackles* - - -
Wooden Sandals Icon
Wooden Sandals 50 12 Clothing Bench

*It's considered Medium Armour by the FCS.
