Kenshi Wiki
A chain undershirt provides a reliable second layer of defence.
Chainshirt Icon
Slot: SHIRT Type: Medium Armour

The Chain Shirt is a Medium Armour that is equipped in the Shirt slot. It is the short-sleeved variant of the Chainmail. It also has a blackened and rusted variant. Additionally, there is also a Hiver-equivalent version of this clothing.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 2x4.


Similar in appearance to Chainmail, the Chain Shirt is made up of thousands of individual metal rings linked together. Chainmail covers the entire torso, halfway up the character's neck and down to the biceps of both arms.


Chain Shirt
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 1%
-Cut resistance 5%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 1pts
-Weight 6.75 kg
-Value c.835
-Sell value c.208
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 25%
-Left Arm 25%
-Stealth effect 0.24x
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Dodge skill effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
Chain Shirt
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 4%
-Cut resistance 12%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 5pts
-Weight 6.75 kg
-Value c.2,580
-Sell value c.645
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 25%
-Left Arm 25%
-Stealth effect 0.29x
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Dodge skill effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
Chain Shirt
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 8%
-Cut resistance 20%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 11pts
-Weight 6.75 kg
-Value c.8,163
-Sell value c.2,040
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 25%
-Left Arm 25%
-Stealth effect 0.35x
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Dodge skill effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
Chain Shirt
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 12%
-Cut resistance 29%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 17pts
-Weight 6.75 kg
-Value c.17,469
-Sell value c.4,367
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 25%
-Left Arm 25%
-Stealth effect 0.41x
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Dodge skill effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
Chain Shirt
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 17%
-Cut resistance 38%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 23pts
-Weight 6.75 kg
-Value c.30,498
-Sell value c.7,624
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 25%
-Left Arm 25%
-Stealth effect 0.47x
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Dodge skill effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
Chain Shirt
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 20%
-Cut resistance 44%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 28pts
-Weight 6.75 kg
-Value c.42,712
-Sell value c.10,678
-Chest 100%
-Stomach 100%
-Right Arm 25%
-Left Arm 25%
-Stealth effect 0.52x
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Dodge skill effect 0.90x
-Combat speed effect 0.97x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x


Always Equipped Potentially Equipped
Elite Hunter [H] [S]
Inquisitor [H] [S]
Samurai Elite [H] [S]
Bounty Hunter [S] [H]
High Overseer [S] [H]
High Paladin [S] [H]
Outlaw [S] [S]
Samurai Rogue [S] [H]
Shops Loot

Armour King ArmorSign [S] [H] [S] [M]
Clothes Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H]
Clothing Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H] [S]
Holy Armor Shop ArmorSign [P] [S] [S] [H]
Mongrel Clothes Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
The Great Library BlueprintsLargegreen

Mapico-town Cannibal Capital
Mapico-stormhouse Cannibal Village
Mapico-stormhouse First Village
Mapico-shop Inquisitor Police Station
Mapico-shop Inquisitor Barracks
Mapico-shop Holy Armory
Mapico-shop Holy Barracks
Mapico-x Watchtower

This armour can also be found as loot via the Artifacts system.


Chain Armour Crafting Bench

(0.6 required)

Chain Shirt
Chain Shirt
Chainmail Sheets
Chainmail Sheets

(3.0 required)

Chain Shirt

[Research Blueprint]

-Value c.20,409
-Sell value c.5,102
New Armour Type Chain Shirt
