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Blunt Weapons specialize in blunt damage. With the exception of the Spiked Club, blunt weapons usually cause very little bleeding damage. They are useful for defeating bounties and not needing to bandage them afterwards as the chance of the target dying from wound degeneration is extremely low due to their very minimal cut damage. Their lack of bleeding damage on top of low cut damage leads to most foes standing up seconds after (If not instantly) being knocked unconscious unless put into a coma.

Weapon Skill - Blunt[]

The Blunt skill determines damage with weapons classified as Blunt. The skill is defined in game as follows:

Affects damage. Blunt weapon damage breaks bones, disables limbs, and temporarily stuns organs. They don't cause much in the way of blood loss so are not usually lethal. Armour is usually designed for protection from blades, so you can often beat through it. A good weapon for the pacifist, or those who like to be different."
Racial Experience Multipliers
Negative Multiplier:
There are no races which have negative experience multipliers for this stat.
Positive Multiplier:
-Skeleton MKII Screamer
-Skeleton No-Head MkII
-Skeleton P4MkII
All multipliers are either 0.8x or 1.2x unless marked otherwise.

Blunt Class Weapons[]

Icon Name Cut multiplier Blunt multiplier Blood loss Armour penetration Attack Defense Indoors Reach Additional bonuses
Heavy Jitte Heavy Jitte 0x 1.3x 0.1x +10% 0 +8 -2 21
Iron Club Iron Club 0.1x 0.85x 0.3x 0% 0 0 +2 18
  • Damage vs animals: -10%
  • Can be used in the secondary weapon slot
Iron Stick Iron Stick 0.1x 0.7x 0.3x 0% -2 -2 +2 18
  • Damage vs animals: -10%
  • Can be used in the secondary weapon slot
Jitte Jitte 0x 0.9x 0.1x 0% 0 +8 +4 18
  • Can be used in the secondary weapon slot
Mercenary Club Mercenary Club 0.2x 1x 0.3x +30% -2 0 0 18
  • Damage vs animals: -10%
  • Damage vs robots: +20%
  • Can be used in the secondary weapon slot
Spiked Club Spiked Club 0.3x 1x 2x +30% -2 0 0 18
  • Damage vs animals: -10%
  • Can be used in the secondary weapon slot

Meitou locations[]

The Cross-version of the Jitte can be found on The Vault Warden in Tengu's Vault.

The Cross-version of the Heavy Jitte can be found on General Hat-12 in Ashland Dome IV, who used to be the Chief of the Second Empire's police force.

Iron Stick, Iron Club, Mercenary Club and Spiked Club have no Meitou version.


  • As (Blunt) stun damage adds nearly nothing to a unit's KO timer you will need to act quick to pick up a unit after knocking them out with a blunt weapon.
  • Blunt weapons use the same animations as Heavy weapons and Hackers.