Kenshi Wiki
This is basically just wrapping a strip of chainmail around your head, but it does do a good job of protecting you when it's not falling off.
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
Slot: HEAD Type: Medium Armour

The Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust is a Medium Armor that is equipped in the Headgear slot. It has the highest protection compared to its rusted and cloth versions.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 3x3.


It is a black chainmail strip wrapped around the head.


Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 2%
-Cut resistance 14%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 7pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.233
-Sell value c.58
-Head 90%
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 5%
-Cut resistance 23%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 14pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.722
-Sell value c.180
-Head 90%
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 8%
-Cut resistance 36%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 23pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.2,285
-Sell value c.571
-Head 90%
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 11%
-Cut resistance 49%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 33pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.4,891
-Sell value c.1,222
-Head 90%
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 15%
-Cut resistance 62%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 43pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.8,539
-Sell value c.2,134
-Head 90%
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Chain]
-Blunt resistance 17%
-Cut resistance 71%
-Cut resistance efficiency 60%
-Harpoon resistance 50pts
-Weight 5.0625 kg
[Weather Protections]
-Duststorms 70%
-Value c.11,959
-Sell value c.2,989
-Head 90%


Always Equipped Potentially Equipped

There are no characters which have a guaranteed chance of spawning with this item equipped.

There are no characters which only have a chance of spawning with this item equipped.

Shops Loot

Armour King ArmorSign [S] [H] [S] [M]
Mongrel Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
Ronin Armor Shop ArmorSign [S] [S] [H] [S]
The Great Library BlueprintsLargegreen

This item is not found in any non-shop locations.


Chain Armour Crafting Bench

(0.18 required)

Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
Chainmail Sheets
Chainmail Sheets

(0.9 required)

Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust

[Research Blueprint]

-Value c.5,712
-Sell value c.1,428
New Armour Type: Blackened Chainmail Tagelmust
