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Salvaged rags, straps and plates pulled together by a decent craftsman has made this monstrosity. This armour has plenty of gaps and vulnerabilities, but allows good freedom of movement for its class. Commonly found on wanderers and bandits, but is also favoured by duelists.
Armoured Rags
Slot: ARMOR Type: Medium Armour
Caravan Drone

A Caravan Drone with an Armoured Rag Skirt and Armoured Rags.

Armoured Rags is a Medium Armour equipped in the Body Armour slot. By default, the rags are beige in color. However, a separate armor of the same name but with an added '(colored)' exists. Together with Armoured Rag Skirt it forms a set that can also be dyed different colours depending on the character it is equipped on first.

This armour's low stomach coverage can be a less significant issue for Skeleton and especially Hive characters, since they are significantly less likely to be hit in the stomach when compared to other races.

This armour has inventory dimensions of 4x6.


The Armoured Rags appears like a thick shawl with a wide, turtleneck collar. Long, thick sleeves appear to be connected underneath this shawl and reach all the way to the wrists. A pair of long, metal vambraces are wrapped over the sleeves to cover the forearms. Two metal plates protect the chest, attached to the ensemble by criss-crossing leather straps.


Armoured Rags
[Prototype Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 2%
-Cut resistance 12%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 4.5pts
-Weight 15.75 kg
-Value c.517
-Sell value c.129
-Chest 90%
-Stomach 20%
-Right Arm 80%
-Left Arm 80%
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Combat speed effect 0.98x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
-Melee defence bonus -5
-Martial arts bonus +4
Armoured Rags
[Shoddy Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 10%
-Cut resistance 22%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 18pts
-Weight 15.75 kg
-Value c.1,267
-Sell value c.316
-Chest 90%
-Stomach 20%
-Right Arm 80%
-Left Arm 80%
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Combat speed effect 0.98x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
-Melee defence bonus -5
-Martial arts bonus +4
Armoured Rags
[Standard Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 21%
-Cut resistance 35%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 36pts
-Weight 15.75 kg
-Value c.3,668
-Sell value c.917
-Chest 90%
-Stomach 20%
-Right Arm 80%
-Left Arm 80%
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Combat speed effect 0.98x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
-Melee defence bonus -5
-Martial arts bonus +4
Armoured Rags
[High Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 32%
-Cut resistance 49%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 54pts
-Weight 15.75 kg
-Value c.7,669
-Sell value c.1,917
-Chest 90%
-Stomach 20%
-Right Arm 80%
-Left Arm 80%
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Combat speed effect 0.98x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
-Melee defence bonus -5
-Martial arts bonus +4
Armoured Rags (1.0.9)
[Specialist Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 43%
-Cut resistance 63%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 72pts
-Weight 15.75 kg
-Value c.13,271
-Sell value c.3,317
-Chest 90%
-Stomach 20%
-Right Arm 80%
-Left Arm 80%
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Combat speed effect 0.98x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
-Melee defence bonus -5
-Martial arts bonus +4
Armoured Rags
[Masterwork Grade]
[Medium Armour Class] [Metal Plate]
-Blunt resistance 51%
-Cut resistance 73%
-Cut resistance efficiency 90%
-Harpoon resistance 85.5pts
-Weight 15.75 kg
-Value c.18,523
-Sell value c.4,630
-Chest 90%
-Stomach 20%
-Right Arm 80%
-Left Arm 80%
-Crossbows effect 0.80x
-Precision shooting effect 0.80x
-Combat speed effect 0.98x
-Dexterity effect 0.90x
-Melee defence bonus -5
-Martial arts bonus +4


Always Equipped Potentially Equipped
Burn [S]
Drifter [S] [H]
Hive Bandit [S] [S]
Lagoon Patron [S] [H]
Nomad [S]
Samurai Rogue [S] [H]
Tech Hunter [S] [H]
Shops Loot

Mongrel Armor Shop ArmorSign [S] [S] [H] [S]
Shek Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H] [S]
Ronin Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
Mercenary Smithy BlueprintsLargegreen
Shark Smithy BlueprintsLargegreen
Flotsam Armory ArmorSign [S] [S] [H]
The Great Library BlueprintsLargegreen

Mapico-town Cannibal Capital
Mapico-stormhouse Cannibal Village
Mapico-x Cactus Den
Mapico-stormhouse First Village
Mapico-x Tower Of Ninjas

This armour can also be found as loot via the Artifacts system.

Locations (colored)
Always Equipped Potentially Equipped
Arc [H] [S]
Caravan Drone [S] [S]
Droneguard [S] [S]
Ponk [H] [S]
Prince [S] [H]
Sniperbot [H] [S]
Jonin Elite [H] [S]
Ninja Guard [S] [S]
Red Sabre [S] [S]
Shinobi Guard [S] [H]
Shops Loot

Shek Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [P] [S] [S] [H] [S]
Ronin Armor Shop ArmorSign BlueprintsLargegreen [S] [S] [H] [S]
The Great Library BlueprintsLargegreen
Thieves Guild ArmorSign [S] [S] [H] [S]

Mapico-shop Anti-Slaver Barracks
Mapico-shop Anti-Slaver HQ
Mapico-shop Anti-Slaver Prison
Mapico-shop Flotsam Barracks
Mapico-shop Flotsam HQ
Mapico-shop Mongrel HQ
Mapico-shop Tech Hunter HQ

This armour can also be found as loot via the Artifacts system.


Heavy Armour Smithy

(0.63 required)

Armoured Rags
Armoured Rags
Armour Plating
Armour Plating

(3.15 required)

Armoured Rags

[Research Blueprint]

-Value c.11,287
-Sell value c.2,821
New Armour Type: Armoured Rags

Note that although the blueprint exists, it is unneeded as the research to unlock the Smithy also unlocks the Rags.
