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Armour King's Thralls are shop guards for the Armour King. They can be found in the Armour King's Shop in Drowned Ruins.

The Armour King will talk about his Thralls if the player lingers in his store long enough. The Armour King captured Thralls from the Ashlands and reprogrammed them. He claims that, despite their lack of heads, they are very good at detecting thievery. They have sound sensors in their hands, allegedly.

Only the Armour King can raise the alarm, the thralls will just stand there "watching" you.

Like their master, they belong to the Skeletons faction.


  • Skeleton No-Head MkII

Attributes Level
Strength 90
Toughness 90
Dexterity 90
Perception 50
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 72
Sabres 90
Hackers 90
Heavy Weapons 108
Blunt 108
Polearms 90
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 108
Melee Defence 90
Dodge 7.2
Martial Arts 9
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 50
Crossbows 50
Precision Shooting 50
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth 0.8
Lockpicking 1
Thievery 0.8
Assassination 45
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 90
Swimming 90
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 90
Engineer 1
Robotics 1.2
Science 1
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith 1
Armour Smith 1
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 1
Farming 1
Cooking 1

The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.



Manufacturer Model Chance
Skeleton Smiths [Mk I] 33.33%
[Mk II] 33.33%
[Mk III] 33.33%

Back slot[]

Name Chance
Long Cleaver Long Cleaver 100%


This character spawns with no apparel.


  • Although the Armour King boasts about the Thralls ability to catch thieves they will not attack characters they catch picking any locks or stealing items unless the Armour King himself notices.
  • Although they "work" for the Armour King they are unarmoured.
  • The Thralls are tied with Eyegore for having the highest attack level (108) of any humanoid unit in Kenshi. (Eyegore has 3 "stats randomise" so he could have lower or higher attack than the thralls)
    • Their attack level is so high that if they were to fight for long enough, they could actually level their attack until they reach around 550ish attack.