Now maybe you are thinking, "I should kill Armour King so I can take all his great armour."
I don't recommend this action however.
– Armour King
The Armour King is a Skeleton merchant who sells Armour gear in Armour King's Shop. He is a masterful armoursmith who produces high-end armor to give travelers superior protection.
Worth noting, he is extremely skilled in combat and is also protected by his Security Spider II sentries, and his personal thralls, who are also extremely skilled. He is one of a few traders who actively follows player's character around the shop and some way outside it as well.
He can be found at the Drowned Ruins in the northwest of the map, in the river next to the Arm of Okran. The only way to reach him is by swimming along the river, entering either from the south side near Blister Hill or the west side near Floodlands.
The Statistics here are taken from FCS. Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.
We know far more about Armour King's shop then we do know about Armour King himself. According to Armour King, he started his shop in a thriving Second Empire town called Catch nine-hundred thirty seven years ago. This coincides very nearly with the fall of the Second Empire, yet Catch (a Second Empire town) was still thriving, meaning that the fall of the Second Empire likely didn't occur at a set date; it probably occurred over a very long period of time, with select towns falling into rebellion or disrepair, until eventually all that was left of the Second Empire was Cat-Lon's Exile. This is further supported by what Armour King says about the collapse of the Second Empire.
It just sort of rotted and fell apart. A mental disease. Very strange. Not at all like the First Empire.
–- Armour King
We do know that Armour King has travelled around the world (he uses it in his sales pitch) and that he took Thralls from the Ashlands and modified them to work in his shop. Whether he took already broken skeletons or did something more sinister is not elaborated on.
The Armour King was introduced in beta v0.93.0 northwest area update.
The Armour King will often make frequent sales pitches as your characters remain in the Armor King's shop.
The Armor King claims that his Thralls were taken from the Ashlands and modified by Armour King himself to be extremely dangerous as well as perceptive in order to catch thieves, even with no heads.
He also claims that he upgraded his Thralls armour, although they are completely naked.
His Thralls are tied with Eyegore for having the highest attack of any humanoid unit in Kenshi, higher than even Cat-Lon.
The Armour King is one of the few NPCs in Kenshi which are more dangerous when his weapon is taken away. This is due to his extremely high average level of 80 in Martial Arts. (Using his average stats) This means that his damage with Martial Arts (If fought outside and you remove his armour) is 141.1. Even if he spawns with an MKIII Falling Sun his damage will only be 135.14672.
Strangely Armour King only has level 1 Armoursmithing.
If caught lockpicking/stealing by the Armour King, you will be attacked by the Thralls. However, if the Thralls see you lockpicking and not the Armour King they will just watch.
The Armour Kings shop is the only place to find Masterwork Hive Shirt Armour. In fact, it is the only shop to sell Masterwork Armour naturally. Other shops which sell Masterwork quality armour are just artifact spawns and will not spawn again once purchased.