“ | Armour king! Armour king! Saving lives! With armouring! | ” |
Armour is a selection of equipment worn on various parts of the body to mitigate damage. It can be worn on five different parts of the body. Armour can be made by the player through the skill Armour Smith, purchased from Traders, or looted from characters. All types of armour are most efficiently stored in Armour Storage (but can also be stored in general storage).
For the Armour category please see this page.
Types of Armour
Kenshi categorizes Armour into four different categories, depending on damage resistance and skill multipliers.
Clothing is equipment which does not have armour coverage. Clothing is generally worn by civilians. Wearing clothing can be advantageous for keeping a character's "looks like a slave" rating low when escaping from Slavery. Some clothing has bonuses specifically for Martial Arts.
Light Armour
Light Armour is likely to have bonuses to Combat Stats. Light armour is preferred by players who want to prioritize bonus attack, defense, dodge, and attack/block speeds of their characters. Afterall, who needs protection when your enemy doesn't get a chance to attack?
Medium Armour
Medium Armour offers more coverage than light armour and less resistances than heavy armour, but without the latter's severe skill penalties.
Heavy Armour
Heavy Armour is armour which weighs a lot. Heavy Armour offers the most damage resistances, but also has negative effects on stats. The penalties caused by this type of armour make battles more difficult and therefore allow characters to level up faster in combat stats. (Attack, Defense, Dodge, Martial Arts, Dexterity)
This armour is favored by high level military members and tanks. Because heavier armour is likely to have penalties to Dexterity, characters using cutting weapons should avoid it unless training.
To learn more about how the stats on certain equipment will affect your characters in battle, read our page on Resistances and our Guide to Equipment.
To learn how those stats are calculated from equipment parameters set in FCS, read Armor Stats.
Colour Scheme
Some types of armour can have a colour variance, mostly dependent on the faction that wears it. Armour with these colour variations can be obtained through looting characters from these factions.
You can remove the color of dyed armour by selling it to a vendor, closing the shop and purchasing it back. Please note that Armour sells for 0.25x of its value so by doing so you will be paying 0.75x of the price to simply remove the dye.
Faction uniforms
A Faction Uniform is armour that some Factions members may wear. An armour is considered a Faction Uniform if the clothing is tagged as being a uniform of a set faction. Player Characters wearing Faction Uniforms will be considered "in Disguise" and may be arrested by police for Uniform Theft.
Your characters may be allowed to wear a Faction Uniform if you are allied with that particular faction. Note that factions which are hostile to the faction you are wearing the uniform of may also attack you, mistaking you for their enemy.
You can remove a faction uniform by knocking out (Assassination) a recruitable character like a Drifter and making them wear the uniform. They MUST be wearing it. After that wait for them to wake back up and recruit them. This will remove the Faction Uniform tag. (If the character is hostile with you as you were caught KOing them wait around 5 game hours and they should return to neutral, or leave and come back later.