Kenshi Wiki

This is where the Bugmaster has lived for hundreds of years...

Nobody knows what he is or where he came from...

But what we do know is.. those that do find him never come back.

–Skeleton Player Characters

Arach is the home of the Bugmaster. This is one of the most dangerous zones in Kenshi because of how frequently groups of Skin Spiders spawn.


Arach has no Major Towns. There are no Nests or Camps set to spawn in this area.

Minor Outposts[]

These locations are typically small towns, villages, or faction bases.

Ancient Locations[]

Aesthetic Ruins[]

These locations show up on the map, although the player cannot interact with anything at this location.

Homeless Spawns (2x)[]

These are squads which spawn without being tied to a location, camp, or nest. This list is in order of likelihood. Values listed are their relative chance to spawn.


These are the modifiers which are linked to this zone on FCS.
Water 0% Fertility 0%

Environment Resources
Arid 0% Stone 70%
Green 0% Iron 100%
Swamp 0% Copper 100%

Before building an outpost, players should find information about specific areas through Prospecting.


This zone has the Vain season. Seasons may cause harmful Weather Effects or be purely aesthetic.

  • Red Rain (no acidic effect)
  • Clear skies



  • Skeleton characters cannot be eaten, so they are extremely useful here.
  • Avoid swimming, as spiders can walk through water and attack your swimming characters.
  • Weapons with racial bonuses against animals or spiders such as Polearms and Desert Sabres work extremely well here.
  • Skin Spider are relatively slow, large creatures. Do not let yourself be surrounded. Use hit and run tactics to clear groups, or stealth to avoid conflict.
  • If you are brave enough and avoid getting surrounded, you can level up your stealth here extremely fast.
  • Throughout the area there are small wooden lookouts you can position ranged characters in and use the hold position command in order to safely snipe groups of spiders as they have trouble pathfinding up there. Without the need for melee one can clear areas of spiders while recovering health on said melee characters at the same time before pushing further inside.


  • The name of this region comes from the Ancient Greek word for "spider" (ἀράχνη).