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Kenshi Wiki

Agnu is a Unique Recruit. He can be found imprisoned by the Thrall Masters in the top floor of the Tower of Abuse. Agnu will join the player after being freed. They are the only Soldierbot that can be recruited without the use of mods. Soldierbots heal 50% faster than normal Skeletons and can see from MUCH further away.

Agnu has several lines of unique dialogue, most of which are screams because, similar to Ray, Agnu is unable to speak, although unlike Ray is still capable of making unintelligible noises. Agnu often shares these dialogues with Beep.


They wear no armour.

This character can colour armour and clothing due to a colour scheme attached.


  • Soldierbot

Attributes Level
Strength 50
Toughness 1
Dexterity 1
Perception 1.2
Weapon Skills Level
Katanas 1
Sabres 1
Hackers 1
Heavy Weapons 1
Blunt 1
Polearms 1
Combat Skills Level
Melee Attack 1
Melee Defence 1
Dodge 0.8
Martial Arts 0.8
Ranged Skills Level
Turrets 1
Crossbows 1
Precision Shooting 1
Thievery Skills Level
Stealth 0.8
Lockpicking 1
Thievery 0.8
Assassination 1
Athletic Skills Level
Athletics 1
Swimming 1
Science Skills Level
Field Medic 0.8
Engineer 1
Robotics 1
Science 1
Trade Skills Level
Weapon Smith 1
Armour Smith 1
Crossbow Smith 1
Labouring 1
Farming 1
Cooking 1

The Statistics here are taken from FCS.
Skills will be multiplied by the racial multiplier. Players should also be aware that non-player characters also level up while fighting.



This character spawns with no weapons.


Every piece of clothing below offers no coverage and thus, armour grading is not applicable.

Name Chance
Rag Loincloth (Dyed) Rag Loincloth (Dyed) 100%


  • Agnu is perhaps related to the Second Empire police forces found at Police Barracks, because they share the same clothing color and race.
  • A bug existed in some game versions prior to the 1.0 release that prevented unique prisoners like Agnu and Cat to spawn if the game was imported in the past. Importing again without "Dead NPCs" fixed the problem.
  • Agnu was named after Chris Hunt's (creator of Kenshi) motorcycle, which was in turn named after the Headless body of Agnew from Futurama - due to its "similar personality of loud growling and being impossible to control".
  • If you try to go through Venge while having other characters in your squad, Agnu may stop and scream. They won't move even if you set him to move manually. If Beep is nearby, he may calm Agnu down and return them to normal.


  • You can rush to the Tower of Abuse on day one with a pair of tools/hacksaws (Or two if you care about your starting character) to free Agnu. To escape simply make use of the r trick. (Hold movement key and periodically click r to halt enemy advances. If this fails to work save and load your game to cause enemies to behave normally as recruiting a character can cause some weird AI behavior.)